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Exclusive guide
for orthodontic dental technicians processing Orthocryl®

Tips and tricks for producing removable appliances with Orthocryl®

Get the most out of Orthocryl® and take your orthodontic appliance to the next level!

Dentistry and orthodontics have undergone significant changes over recent decades. New technologies, improved materials and innovative production methods enable better patient care than ever before. And although the industry is constantly evolving, there are some constants that stand the test of time. One of these constants is Orthocryl®, which DENTAURUM launched on the dental market in 1963.

This guide not only celebrates the achievements of Orthocryl®, but also offers you as a user many valuable insights and tips for optimizing removable appliances using this proven material.

We have concisely compiled everything you need to know in a single document.
