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discovery® smart brackets: Dr Joseph Kazzi, Bexley Dental

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Dr Joseph Kazzi is a general dental practitioner at Bexley Dental, a practice owned by Dr Theo Spyrakis.

Dr Kazzi’s is a heartwarming dentistry story that spans over thirty years. He started as a childhood patient at Bexley Dental and progressed to an associate dentist, operating mainly in orthodontics. Read more about it here.

The practice has a genuine community health focus. Dr Kazzi strongly believes in the development of long-term care relationships with families. “For children, in particular, it has to be welcoming and fun, so they want to learn and develop an appreciation of the importance of their dental health”, said Dr Kazzi.


High quality is essential

Dr Kazzi is very clear on his approach to quality as a practitioner and the orthodontic products used in his practice. First and foremost is the quality of the patient and family experience. He aims to ensure everyone is delighted with the treatment, care, and results. “Several aspects contribute to the clinical practice, from the standard of care and interpersonal relationships with patients and their families.”

“From my clinical perspective, the design of each component of the fixed orthodontic appliance system and the associated tools is critical. Alongside our clinical expertise, the system quality determines the patient’s comfort, treatment efficacy, and reliability. It also contributes to the ease of use and, therefore, our practice efficiency”.

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A 12-year-old patient presented with a Class I molar relationship, a 3mm Class II canine relationship, moderate crowding, and an anterior crossbite. 

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14 months into treatment using Dentaurum discovery® smart twin brackets.



Using Dentaurum discovery® smart

Dr Kazzi uses discovery® smart twin brackets, Orthocast M Series buccal tubes, Tensic® (Thermo-active nickel titanium) Arch Wires, along with Dentaurum Premium Pliers and instruments.

“I like using discovery® smart twin brackets because they’re tailored to the curvature of the tooth, are clearly numbered, and have no sharp surfaces to cause patient discomfort. They are very thoughtfully designed in every last detail, which makes them very easy to use”.

“Evident in every Dentaurum product is the refinement that has occurred over time, working with practitioners”.  

“I take pride in my work, so using products that add confidence in my ability to achieve the highest quality standards in every procedure is very valuable to our patients and me”.

“Overall, it’s the performance of the whole system and the experience of doing business with Dentaurum. That is why I always use their products. Everything works together perfectly and with absolute consistency. Plus, the support I get from the Dentaurum team is terrific. It helps me concentrate on doing my best work for our patients. That’s what it’s all about”.


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discovery® smart brackets

Over the past twenty years, Dentaurum discovery® brackets have been refined, leading to discovery® smart. The bracket is aesthetically small while containing several valuable features for practitioners and their patients.

discovery® smart features a mesial-distal curved slot contour that follows the ideal contour of the dental arch. Each bracket has an individual slot curvature, which helps to minimise the friction in the slot and ensures more efficient and precise treatment.

The bracket is manufactured as a single piece using state-of-the-art metal injection moulding. This precision allows the bracket to achieve a very low profile with an in-out value of only 0.7 mm.

The perfectly designed tie wings provide the bracket with a comfortable finish. discovery® smart brackets are available in both MBT and Roth prescriptions, with the option to have hooks on bicuspids. They are offered in 018 and 022 slot sizes.

The result is a modern design that incorporates all the characteristics of the discovery® bracket range and ensures maximum reliability and control with excellent aesthetics.


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Treatment with Dentaurum discovery® smart Twin Brackets.


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About this Article

Dentaurum has worked closely with dental clinics and labs since its inception almost 140 years ago. Our products are developed in close collaboration with clinicians, an approach that results in refinement through practice.

Articles and case studies such as this are intended to share approaches and experiences among the dental community. If you have a story to tell, please contact us.



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